
Friday, March 18, 2011

Wrestle Time Episode 5 - A Call For Death

In this episode the guys (okay mostly Nick) go too far and pray for the drug-related death of Jeff Hardy, complain about Wrestlemania, discuss movies for way too long and drift off into a weird conversation about Nick's cat. To see the show on Youtube head below:

The guys started out talking about movies for some stupid reason and mentioned such stellar motion picture treats as Gojira, the Matthew Broderick Godzilla, Mighty Ducks, Ghostbusters and about six others. But this is a wrestling podcast so we'll dwell on the nod to Kane's film debut See No Evil. Here's a clip:

Talk quickly moved to Jeff Hardy being a shitbag. Here is said shitbag being shitty:

What a shitbag... Anyway James and Nick were contemplating why they record a wrestling podcast (or continue to watch wrestling for that matter) if they hate it so much. During that conversation they mention a certain videoblogger with a similar disdain and make fun of him. His name is pspower and he has a dumb haircut. Here's his latest video.

In a rather uncomfortable moment, James plugged Beyond Wrestling to silence from Nick who is not a fan. They are friends of the show, though and are becoming quite a hot topic in the wrestling world, so if you haven't already, check them out at Lookmanofans.com. They also post full matches on their youtube page such as this one below:

Speaking of plugs, James and Nick's new promotion BRAWL has been moving forward and James would love for you guys to head to the facebook page and like them. Nick however wants to earn your respect and doesn't think you should be liking things that you havent even seen yet. Choose your side.

Only feature we had was the Youtube Pick of the Week so here it is: